A purple kangaroo logo coming out of a smartphone with the words "Kangaroo Website Design | Australian Website Design" below it.


Reach Your Targeted Customers Organically with Our SEO Services.

Our SEO services can help you to:

A chart that shows the increase in traffic via implementing SEO Strategies.

Increase your website traffic:

When your SEO website ranks higher in search results, you will see more organic traffic from people who are searching for the information or products that you offer.

Improve your website's conversion rate:

By making your website more relevant to search queries, you can increase the likelihood that visitors will convert into customers.

Stacks of coins with an arrow going up - Symbolizes financial growth and success and conversion rate.
A 3D man holding the word "brand" in his hands.

Build brand awareness:

When your website appears more frequently in search results, people will become more familiar with your brand.

Get a competitive edge:

In a competitive market, SEO can give you a leg up on your competitors.
A girl working on her website and finding a competitive edge for her website.

Our SEO services can help you to:

A chart that shows the increase in traffic via implementing SEO Strategies.

Increase your website traffic:

When your SEO website ranks higher in search results, you will see more organic traffic from people who are searching for the information or products that you offer.

Stacks of coins with an arrow going up - Symbolizes financial growth and success and conversion rate.

Improve your website's conversion rate:

By making your website more relevant to search queries, you can increase the likelihood that visitors will convert into customers.

A 3D man holding the word "brand" in his hands.

Build brand awareness:

When your website appears more frequently in search results, people will become more familiar with your brand.
A girl working on her website and finding a competitive edge for her website.

Get a competitive edge:

In a competitive market, SEO can give you a leg up on your competitors.

What We Do for You in SEO Services?

Two experts discussing a business to analyse the competitors

Competitors Analyses

Taking a close look at your competitors isn’t just a smart moveβ€”it’s like peeking into their playbook. It helps us tailor strategies that truly set you apart, leveraging their successes and gaps to carve out your unique space in the market. Understanding what makes them tick gives us the edge to make you shine.

Keyword Research:

We will conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords for your website.
Keyword Research
On-Page SEO

On-page Optimization:

We will optimize your website’s content and structure to make it more search engine friendly.

Link Building:

We will build high-quality links to your website from other reputable websites.
Link Building
Technical SEO

Technical SEO:

We will identify and fix any technical issues that are preventing your website from ranking well in search results.

SEO Audits:

We will conduct an SEO audit of your website to identify any areas for improvement.
SEO Audit
SEO Content Writing

SEO content writing:

We will write high-quality SEO content for your website.

Small Businesses Local SEO:

If it is applicable, we will optimize your website to rank higher in local search results. Our expert team ensures your business ranks higher, attracting more local traffic and enhancing your brand’s reach within your community. Elevate your small business with effective, targeted SEO tactics designed for local success.

Small Businesses Local SEO
A person holding a credit card in front of a laptop, symbolizing the convenience and ease of ecommerce shopping. Ecommerce SEO can help you reach more customers and grow your online business.

Ecommerce SEO:

If it is applicable, we will optimize your website to increase sales from your online store.

What We Do for You in SEO Services?

Two experts discussing a business to analyse the competitors

Competitors Analyses

Taking a close look at your competitors isn’t just a smart moveβ€”it’s like peeking into their playbook. It helps us tailor strategies that truly set you apart, leveraging their successes and gaps to carve out your unique space in the market. Understanding what makes them tick gives us the edge to make you shine.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research:

We will conduct keyword research to identify the most relevant and profitable keywords for your website.
On-Page SEO

On-page Optimization:

We will optimize your website’s content and structure to make it more search engine friendly.
Link Building

Link Building:

We will build high-quality links to your website from other reputable websites.
Technical SEO

Technical SEO:

We will identify and fix any technical issues that are preventing your website from ranking well in search results.
SEO Audit

SEO Audits:

We will conduct an SEO audit of your website to identify any areas for improvement.
SEO Content Writing

SEO content writing:

We will write high-quality SEO content for your website.

Small Businesses Local SEO

Small Businesses Local SEO:

If it is applicable, we will optimize your website to rank higher in local search results. Our expert team ensures your business ranks higher, attracting more local traffic and enhancing your brand’s reach within your community. Elevate your small business with effective, targeted SEO tactics designed for local success.

A person holding a credit card in front of a laptop, symbolizing the convenience and ease of ecommerce shopping. Ecommerce SEO can help you reach more customers and grow your online business.

Ecommerce SEO:

If it is applicable, we will optimize your website to increase sales from your online store.

SEO Services Pricing

We’ve got one fixed price for our SEO services. Basically, we’ll create special plans to help your business show up higher on Google. Plus, we’ll do some upkeep on your website, like updating plugins and keeping things secure.

If you’re getting your website designed by us and you just want a one-time boost for your site’s speed and SEO (without all the ongoing stuff like making new content or building links), you can add that on for an extra $3500 to the website design package.

  • SEO Services
  • One-Time SEO
$1500 / Month
SEO Services
One-Time SEO
Very Fast Loading
Number of Pages for SEO Optimization Depends on the Project Up to 10 Pages
Image Compression and Optimization
Google Search Console Setup
Google Analytics Setup
WordPress Core Update
Plugin Update
Google Business Profile
Australian Fast Hosting One Year One Year
WordFence Firewall
Security Scan
Keyword Research
Link Building
Technical SEO (Broken Links, Redirections, Permalinks, ...)
SEO Audit
Local SEO
Guest Posting
Blog Creation (Weekly)
Premium software Licenses
Other Security and Speed Measures
Call to Discuss More Call to Discuss More
SEO services pricing comparison table. Full services with monthly fee of $1500, and limited one time services with price of $3500 once.
SEO services pricing comparison table. Full services with monthly fee of $1500, and limited one time services with price of $3500 once.

FAQ: Your Questions About Our SEO Services

1. What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It involves strategies and techniques used to increase a website’s visibility on search engines like Google, Bing, etc., to attract more organic (non-paid) traffic.

A backlink is a link created when one website links to another. These links are crucial in SEO because they signal to search engines that one site vouches for the quality and credibility of another. Essentially, they act as “votes of confidence” from one site to another, influencing the linked site’s authority and ranking in search engine results. High-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant websites are particularly valuable in improving a site’s visibility and credibility online.

3. Why is SEO important for my business?

Ahref reports that 53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search. This highlights the importance of optimizing your website for search engines to increase your online visibility and attract more traffic to your website. SEO helps your website rank higher in search engine results, driving more organic traffic. This increased visibility can lead to more potential customers finding your site, improving brand exposure, and boosting sales or conversions.

4. What services do you offer in SEO?

We offer a range of SEO services, including keyword research, on-page optimization (content, meta tags, URL structure), off-page optimization (link building, social media), technical SEO (site speed, mobile-friendliness), and SEO audits to identify improvement areas.

5. How long does it take to see results from SEO?

SEO is a gradual process and timelines can vary based on various factors such as website history, competition, and the chosen strategies. Generally, noticeable improvements may take a few months, but substantial results often require consistent efforts over a more extended period.

6. Can you guarantee #1 ranking on Google?

No reputable SEO service can guarantee a #1 ranking on Google or any specific search engine. SEO involves numerous variables and is influenced by search engine algorithms and competitor activities. Our goal is to improve your site’s visibility and rankings based on industry best practices.

7. How do you measure SEO success?

We measure SEO success through various metrics such as organic traffic growth, keyword rankings, conversion rates, backlink quality, and engagement metrics like time spent on site and bounce rates.

8. Is content creation a part of your SEO services?

Yes, content creation is a crucial part of SEO. We provide content strategies, creation, and optimization services to ensure your website has high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with both users and search engines.

9. Do I need ongoing SEO services once I achieve good rankings?

SEO is an ongoing process due to evolving search engine algorithms, competitor activities, and changes in user behavior. Continual optimization and monitoring are necessary to maintain and improve rankings over time.

10. How do you determine the right keywords for my business?

We conduct extensive keyword research based on your industry, target audience, competition analysis, and search volume to identify relevant and high-performing keywords that align with your business goals.

11. Can you work with our existing marketing team or web developers?

Absolutely, collaboration with your existing team is encouraged. We can work alongside your marketing team or web developers to ensure a cohesive strategy that aligns with your overall business objectives.

12. Am I committed to a locked-in contract with your SEO services?

No! We completely get itβ€”SEO takes time to really shine, but we also understand that smaller businesses might need flexibility with their budget. That’s why our monthly plans are adaptable. While SEO thrives in the long run, we won’t tie you down. You can pause or end our services whenever it suits you best. Your success matters, and we’re here to work with your needs.

Contact us to discuss your SEO needs: